3d tiskalnik

Iščete najboljši model določene naprave glede na vaše želje in potrebe?
Prispevkov: 29
Pridružen: 19 Nov 2019, 20:35

12 Jan 2023, 17:21

Pozdravljeni, sin si zeli 3d tiskalnik. Se morda kdo spozna kaj na zadevo, predvsem na kaj je potrebno biti pozoren pri posameznih modelih? Thomson morda kaksen popust ...hvala lp
Prispevkov: 10870
Pridružen: 23 Avg 2019, 09:28

12 Jan 2023, 22:34

Joza napisal/-a:
12 Jan 2023, 17:21
Pozdravljeni, sin si zeli 3d tiskalnik. Se morda kdo spozna kaj na zadevo, predvsem na kaj je potrebno biti pozoren pri posameznih modelih? Thomson morda kaksen popust ...hvala lp
Pozdrav, vse odvisno od zastavljenega cenovnega ranga, max budget? pa poiščem bestbuy za neko splošno uporabo ... sicer pa informativno, tam od 200-300€ dalje že ok modeli, okoli 400-500€ pa že precej solidni, gredo pa najboljši modeli seveda še krepko preko tisočaka ...
Prispevkov: 29
Pridružen: 19 Nov 2019, 20:35

13 Jan 2023, 12:09

Ja budget je tam do 300 eur, razen ce je za kaksnega res boljsega, potem bi se lahko Malo stisnil...
Prispevkov: 10870
Pridružen: 23 Avg 2019, 09:28

13 Jan 2023, 18:33

Joza napisal/-a:
13 Jan 2023, 12:09
Ja budget je tam do 300 eur, razen ce je za kaksnega res boljsega, potem bi se lahko Malo stisnil...
trenutno je npr. super akcija za model FlashForge Adventurer 3 Lite, super model za začetnike, enostavna priprava, uporaba, zaradi zaprtega sistema še bolj varna uporaba, ima dober print, dober user interface, je pa BuildVolume malo manjši pri 150mm x 150mm x 150mm.
https://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/fl ... 3d-printer

malo boljši je nonLITE model, a ni v kakšni akciji:
https://3dprintingindustry.com/news/rev ... 49-159261/
https://all3dp.com/1/flashforge-adventu ... er-review/

če pa gledamo med klasično velikost printa je pa bestbuy vsekakor nadgrajen Creality Ender 3 S1 z 220*220*270mm, tole je v bistvu upgraded verzija osnovnega modela, kjer je so uporabniki dokupovali in menjavali različne elemente da so dobili res top model za ceno, no, tukaj je vse izpiljeno. Prednost Enderja je še velika kompatibilnost materialov: PETG, PLA, TPU, ABS. Pri AflashForge modelu pa: PLA in ABS ...
https://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/cr ... -s1-review

še stopničko višje je seveda S1 Pro model, a je tudi dražji ...
https://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/cr ... d-whistles

če gledamo pa segment še malo nižje pa bestbuy Anycubic Kobra, tudi top začetniški model za zmerno ceno, precej podoben Enderju
Prispevkov: 10870
Pridružen: 23 Avg 2019, 09:28

05 Okt 2023, 20:00

Testiral enega najbolj pričakovanih 3D tiskalnikov leta 2023. Izjemen dizajn, kvaliteta materialov in izdelave, visoka kvaliteta tiska, nadpovprečna hitrost, veliko inovativnih rešitev in top uporabniška izkušnja tako za začetnike kot naprednejše uporabnike.

https://www.kajkupiti.si/nasi-testi/ank ... -test.html

Trenutno Anker M5 še v BackToSchool akciji ter popustom -250€
Prispevkov: 34
Pridružen: 07 Sep 2020, 13:24

13 Nov 2023, 22:40

Zdravo, eno hitro vprašanje, je Ender 3 v3 SE vreden nakup za 170€ oz. kar me bolj zanima, če je primerljiv z obstoječim Ender 3 v2 printerjem, katerega si trenutno lastim?
Hvala in lep pozdrav.
Prispevkov: 10870
Pridružen: 23 Avg 2019, 09:28

14 Nov 2023, 01:13

conquer napisal/-a:
13 Nov 2023, 22:40
Zdravo, eno hitro vprašanje, je Ender 3 v3 SE vreden nakup za 170€ oz. kar me bolj zanima, če je primerljiv z obstoječim Ender 3 v2 printerjem, katerega si trenutno lastim? Hvala in lep pozdrav.
kakšne drastične razlike verjetno ne bo, ker gre še vedno za podoben cenovni rang, ima pa novi 3 V3 SE nekaj dobrih lastnosti, ki jih 3 V2 nima, predvsem Sprijtov direct-drive extruder ... tukaj primerjava z Ender V2 Neo ...
The Ender 3 V3 SE is the most affordable Creality 3D printer yet to include a direct-drive extruder, which is a substantial upgrade over the Bowden extruder on the Ender 3 V2 . The Ender 3 V3 SE’s extruder is the same Creality Sprite extruder that we’ve seen on other machines such as the Ender 3 S1, and we’re excited to see this feature make it into an entry-level machine.This is the most meaningful upgrade on the Ender 3 V3 SE. Compared to the Ender 3 V2, you’ll see higher reliability, faster print speeds, and an improved ability to print flexible filament on the Ender 3 V3 SE.
While both printers use CR-touch auto leveling, the Ender 3 V3 SE added a very clever secondary system for calibrating the Z offset of the printer automatically. On previous models, part of the setup required you to adjust the print head until the nozzle was slightly above the bed, and then save the offset so that the nozzle is the correct height after the auto leveling. The Ender 3 V3 uses a strain sensor on the bed to measure the actual position of the nozzle by gently touching it to the bed. Using this data, it can set the Z offset automatically. This feature will allow you to use different bed materials of different thicknesses with minimal effort.
The firmware on the Ender 3 V3 SE supports much higher acceleration settings than previous Creality printers, allowing for much faster print speeds. The default acceleration is set to 4000 mm/s, as compared to 1000 maximum on the Ender 3 V2. We tested a benchy at a high speed setting (30 minute print time) and were quite impressed with the near perfect quality despite the speed. Creality advertises capability of up to 250 mm/s, which is 5x typical printing speeds, but we saw some slippage when testing at this speed. However, the max speed we achieved of 175 mm/s is still very impressive and faster than what is possible on the S1 without firmware updates. We do think similar speeds are achievable on the Ender 3 V2 since there are no hardware differences, but it would require updating the firmware to unlock higher acceleration settings.
The display and user interface on the Creality Ender 3 V3 SE are improved compression to the Ender 3 V2 Neo. While the controls are similar—both printers use a jog wheel with a button to navigate the menus—the Ender 3 V3 SE’s screen can display more colors and includes more information than what you get on the Ender 3 V2 Neo. In many ways, the improved display is simply a nice-to-have feature that makes the Ender 3 V3 SE feel more polished and modern. However, there are a few benefits you may appreciate. For example, the Ender 3 V3 SE displays a graph of the current hotend temperature, allowing you to monitor the temperature more easily than the simpler numbers-only display found on many other printers. Other features such as the automatic bed leveling, also benefit from the improved interface by being able to display more detailed information. This isn’t a major difference between the machines, but we give the edge to the Ender 3 V3 SE here because the interface displays more information and displays it more clearly than the Ender 3 V2 Neo.
sicer pa za zaključe v razmislek tole:
Perhaps a more difficult question is whether you should upgrade from an existing Ender 3 V2 Neo to the Ender 3 V3 SE. There’s no doubt that the SE is a better machine, but these two printers are close enough in price and base features that you may be better off installing the Creality Sprite extruder upgrade kit. We’ve reviewed a similar kit and have found it to be reliable and a great improvement on older printers.
Prispevkov: 34
Pridružen: 07 Sep 2020, 13:24

14 Nov 2023, 23:13

Hvala ti za pomoč. Seveda ne nameravam menjat obstoječega in precej "naloadanga" v2 modela, mi še vedno dobro služi :) Iščem printer za začetnika in po prebranih primerjavah menim, da bo V3 SE super vstopni model.
Lahko še svetuješ kje se dobi najugodnejše filamente? Hvala.
Prispevkov: 10870
Pridružen: 23 Avg 2019, 09:28

14 Nov 2023, 23:22

conquer napisal/-a:
14 Nov 2023, 23:13
Hvala ti za pomoč. Seveda ne nameravam menjat obstoječega in precej "naloadanga" v2 modela, mi še vedno dobro služi :) Iščem printer za začetnika in po prebranih primerjavah menim, da bo V3 SE super vstopni model.Lahko še svetuješ kje se dobi najugodnejše filamente? Hvala.
to se pa strinjam! Dobra cena na GeekB:
sam filamente po večini pri nas kupim, ker je preverjena kvaliteta, PlastikaTrček, 3Djake, Azurefilm ...

nekaj sem jih že vzel tudi malo ceneje na Geek: https://www.kajkupiti.si/kuponi-in-naku ... ilament&p=
Prispevkov: 34
Pridružen: 07 Sep 2020, 13:24

17 Nov 2023, 12:00

Naroči V3 SE in filament pri Trčku (tam kot vedno), trenutno imajo super akcijo.
You Rock!