Imam problem z mokrim brisanjem pri Roborok S7. Krpa se ne navlaži dovolj in ne briše s celotno površino, ampak samo na sredini. Enako kot tukaj na posnetku. Krpo vedno prej navlažim. Naročen je bil na Geekbuying 2 meseca nazaj.
Kakšni predlogi, kako se tega problema rešiti? Ga lahko morda vrnem?
Roborock s7 mokro čiščenje
lahko se pojavi težava tam, kjer je res trda voda, zelo veliko vodnega kamna, lahko se sčasoma zamašijo luknjice kjer prehaja voda, ponavadi na posodici za vodo, predlagam da se preveri, malo počisti s kakšno iglo, lahko se uporabi tudi kakšno močnejše čistilo proti vodnemu kamnu. Sicer pa mokrenje na max, res dobro namočit krpico pa bi moralo odpravit težavo ...
kot kakšni poročajo na forumih s podobno težavo:
kot kakšni poročajo na forumih s podobno težavo:
I also used to get streaks from the mopping pad on the s6 maxv that I own and thought it was the water pump that needed replacing. I found out that my problem was the 4 pinhole-sized air holes on the water tank were clogged. I don't know how it would be on the s7. This means that there was no air flowing into the water tank which created a vacuum seal effect. Maybe check those air holes and try to open them up more with a needle or do what I did and drill a small hole in the rubber plug on top of the water tank to allow for permanent air flow. It's been months and I never had an issue with the mopping again.